Tag Archives: Vacuum

The History Of Vacuum Cleaners

The History Of Vacuum Cleaners Before the vacuum cleaner the simple task of cleaning floors was not so simple. Area rugs would need to be taken outside, hung from posts and beaten by a large wooden beating stick. Floors were swept and the the debris was picked of by hand and then discarded. Today when

The Latest Vacuum Cleaning Equipment Is NOT Your Mothers Old Machine!

The Latest Vacuum Cleaning Equipment Is NOT Your Mothers Old Machine! There was a time not to long ago when a vacuum cleaner was basically the same machine no matter where or how it was purchased. In previous times, the decision on what vacuum cleaner to purchase was based more on the “extras” the salesman

Vacuum Cleaners A Brief History

Vacuum Cleaners A Brief History These days, vacuum cleaners are a familiar tool in any household cleaning arsenal, but this has not always been the case. In days gone by, cleaning was a job performed by using more primitive tools, like the trusty sweeping brush or broom. And while these tools were undoubtedly of enormous

Be Your Vacuum Cleaners Friend

Be Your Vacuum Cleaners Friend Vacuum cleaners changed the cleaning system of household and business places for many years. Gone are the days when feather dusters are swished here and there to remove dust particles from surfaces. Actually, nothing is wrong with the old system, except dusts are just manipulated everywhere and may remain in

Smart Cleaning With A Roomba Vacuum

Smart Cleaning With A Roomba Vacuum By the turn of the 21st century, everything became fast-paced and every individual considers time as the most important commodity. This is the main reason why fast food came to be so popular, along with mobile phones and computers. In this quest to stretch or time budget, the term

The Best Vacuum Cleaner in the Market

The Best Vacuum Cleaner in the Market There are a lot of things to consider before buying a vacuum cleaner. The person has to think about the budget, the size and the brand. The task is not easy since there are more than a dozen brands out there in the market. The person may go

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