Tag Archives: Cleaners

The History Of Vacuum Cleaners

The History Of Vacuum Cleaners Before the vacuum cleaner the simple task of cleaning floors was not so simple. Area rugs would need to be taken outside, hung from posts and beaten by a large wooden beating stick. Floors were swept and the the debris was picked of by hand and then discarded. Today when

Vacuum Cleaners A Brief History

Vacuum Cleaners A Brief History These days, vacuum cleaners are a familiar tool in any household cleaning arsenal, but this has not always been the case. In days gone by, cleaning was a job performed by using more primitive tools, like the trusty sweeping brush or broom. And while these tools were undoubtedly of enormous

Be Your Vacuum Cleaners Friend

Be Your Vacuum Cleaners Friend Vacuum cleaners changed the cleaning system of household and business places for many years. Gone are the days when feather dusters are swished here and there to remove dust particles from surfaces. Actually, nothing is wrong with the old system, except dusts are just manipulated everywhere and may remain in

Builders Cleans – A Lucrative Market For Commercial Cleaners

Builders Cleans – A Lucrative Market For Commercial Cleaners With office cleaning becoming an increasingly competitive market for contract cleaning companies they must diversify or move into a niche market if they wish to continue to grow. One niche market that is not so competitive is that of ‘builders clean’. The number of companies that

Whole House Air Purifiers or Single Room Air Cleaners – Which is Best?

Whole House Air Purifiers or Single Room Air Cleaners – Which is Best? Whole house air purifiers can bring a whole new environment to your entire home. While single room purifiers can effectively clean the air within a specific location in your home, many families desire the same standard of cleanliness all around their home.

Hand Held Vacuum Cleaners Don’t Clean Home Without It!

Hand Held Vacuum Cleaners Don’t Clean Home Without It! Do you have one special tool around the house that you simply couldn’t live without? A gadget or gizmo that makes your life a whole lot easier simply because it exists. Most people have one little thing they simply cope without when it comes to keeping

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