Landscaping in Florida
Landscaping in Florida is not that different compared to other places in the US. This is because companies who offer their services will still mow the lawn, plant trees and do everything else to keep the garden well maintained.
As a contractor, you should know what plants work best depending on the region and know the best places to put them. Since Florida is prone to hurricanes, you should know how to water them properly and be able to protect it.
You should also be able to attract wildlife to the garden. Some plants that can make this happen include the Gold Lantana and the Dwarf Fire bushes that are known to attract butterflies which add beauty to the surroundings.
Don’t forget to use fertilizers for the garden. In Florida, this is very important because soil is a major problem. Most of the time, you will encounter soil that is too sandy which also lacks the necessary minerals for plant growth.
One tree that will never go out of style in Florida is the Sabal Palm that is native to the area. A lot of people decide to plant one in the front or backyard because this compliments Florida’s landscape which people want a part of even in their homes.
When you plant this, remember that this should be placed a few yards away from the house so that in the event that a super hurricane comes again, it will not cause that much damage to the home.
Since most homes in Florida don’t have walls or a gate, you will also plant palm trees to give the homeowners some privacy. Some say this is more effective than putting up a fence because the leaves provide more coverage.
You can plant shrubs and other smaller plants near the house. These are ideal to hide the air conditioner and other things that may not look very attractive to those who drive by. The general rule of course when planning what flowers to use is to make it go well with the color of the house which shouldn’t be a problem if you use native species that are accustomed to the climate.
For people that like to go organic, you can also make your own vegetable garden. Given that soil is a problem, it is best to build a raise bed and then put a layer of erosion cloth so it can deal better with the water coming from the plants. Some vegetables that are perfect for Florida’s weather include herbs, onions, peppers and tomatoes.
The condition of the soil may be a challenge for contractors who still service clients but those who are able to surpass this will be able to do a lot of business.
Those who are starting out should offer their services first in the neighborhood and then expand this to get more clients. Advertising will be important here so they should post flyers, maybe put an ad in the paper or pay for a print ad.
You will be able to succeed should you decide to open a landscaping business in Florida. Just remember to use the plants and trees native to the area so you don’t have to worry about what other species have to be bought in and wonder if this will be able to withstand the hot climate.